I'm dedicating my first post of the New Year to our dear friends Gina and Al. Today - right at this moment, to be exact - they are celebrating 11 years of being in love. For 8 of those years, Gina and I have been working at Bodine High School and Al has been off in various exotic locations (like St. Louis) becoming a doctor. Now that they are married and Al is back in Philly I have to share her, but she's so happy I can't possibly mind.
Gina is the secret ingredient in Too Many Dirty Dishes. She's my editor-in-chief, dedicated taster, and usually my only reader. She's also the friend who will come to the emergency room when I'm really, really scared. I love her for many things, but that's the one I will cherish forever.
So where is the Cocoa-Nana bread, you ask? Well, let's just say it's not the most photogenic of baked goods. Not even with the fancy new camera the wine guy got me for Christmas. Gina is much prettier, wearing her traditional Korean hanbok and enjoying her wedding cake with Al. She gave the bread a rave review this morning, so there you go.
The recipe created quite a stir on Tuesdays with Dorie this week as many bakers scrambled to find substitutions for the bananas. Apparently a lot of people have an aversion to this combination, but with Penzey's Dutch-processed cocoa and Scharfenberger and Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chunks, it's much more chocolate than banana. It's really rich and delicious.
Thanks to Steph of Obsessed with Baking for choosing the recipe this week! It's posted on her blog, so check it out.
Happy Anniversary Gina and Al!!